Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Everyone needs something to bitch about

I think that everyone needs something to bitch about. How do I explain exactly what I mean by this?...
I am not suggesting that complaining is at all a constructive way to deal with your problems. As a matter of fact, I think complaining is detrimental to well being, and the problem solving process.
I do, however, think that everyone needs that one thing to vent about. True, sometimes the subject itself is so trouble some that it has to be ventd about, but Im suposing that if no seriious enough problem exists, that that steam, even if it is not built over a particular issue, has to have something to be vented out through.
A good example of this line of thinking is the Rant. Sure, some rants are actually hostile and not so very constructive. I think of these more as tyrades. But a rant, a good rant, often has little to do with the actually subject or subjects of that rant, but more to do with the overall pressure of daily life as a whole. When somebody uses the phrase, "dont get me started," it is quite possible that a good rant is in actuallity what they need for what ails them.
Comedy is all tied up in rants, particularlly stand-up. I mean, lets face it, thats what stand-up IS. Stand up is literally some person out of the crowd with a quirky personallity and an interesting manner of desbribing things, standing up out of the audience and bitching about there life, or how silly conventions seem to them.

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