Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The chair

I Live in my girlfriends house. It is our place now, but all the pieces of furnature, appliances, ect, within the house, were there before my time. Lindsays has three kids, 11, 6, and 3, one of whom is a bed wetter, though for reasons of confidentiallity I wont devulge which. The furniture, as you might then imagine, receives an untold amount of abuse, but none quite so much as Lindsay's chair.
When I first moved in, Lindsay was sleeping in the chair. It was summer, so early morning wake ups consisted of children leaping upon her, and the unsuspecting chair. It was Lindsay's base of operations, that chair, and so any suprised attack that was launched against her- kid or otherwise- delt damage also to the innocent chair.
The chair has recieved a small share of pee related injustices to it's chair-person, though not nearly so many as the weaker pieces of furnature in the home. I assume that it is the chair's standing as the dominate piece of furniture that allows it to get up, dust itself off, and recover from a pee incident in a way that none of the other furntinture can quite seem to manage.
We recently moved the chair into the bedroom. Lindsay had just hurt her back, and she thought that she would need the chair to sit in and do homework while she recovered. I could understand that, I suppose. However, the logic of myself and this crippled girl struggling to move a large recliner into her room for the benefit of her back kind of escaped me.
Nevertheless, the trusty chair was moved to the bedroom, and there it stubbornly remained until moving day, when it would depart on it's next set of painful and degrading adventures.

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